Be Safe Online

e-safety is the concept of protecting users as they navigate the internet. It tries to protect users from potentially harmful content that can be found on websites. With the right e-safety knowledge, children, parents and teachers can better understand the dangers of releasing personal information, as well as how to recognise unethical behaviours or prevent cyberbullying. Ultimately it has become the responsibility of the school to provide advice and support to all stakeholders by sharing helpful resources.
Scholars Indian Private School has taken up serious initiatives to protect student and teachers from all the potential online risks. Regular sessions are supervised by authorised resource persons to give timely guidance to all. The various sessions organized by the school are given below:
1.Awareness session on Cyber Safety for Parents :Click Here
2.Webinar on Parental Control & Cyber Safety awareness for Parents :Click Here
3.Awareness session on Cyber Safety for Students :Click Here
4.Awareness session on Cyber Bullying by Student :Click Here
5.Awareness session on Online Safety for Teachers:Click Here
6.Awareness session on Online Safety for Parents (Grade 5 to 12) :Click Here
7.Awareness session on Online Safety for Parents & Students (KG to 4) :Click Here
8.Awareness session on Online Safety for Student (Grade 5 to 8) :Click Here
9.Awareness session on Online Safety for Student (Grade 9 to 12:Click Here
10.e-Safety Awareness Video Song by Students of Grade 3 & 4 :Click Here